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Black Mesa

Black Mesa

Half-Life is such a legendary game that a certain incredible number of myths have arisen about its legendaryness over the past 14 years, especially in the Russian-language gaming press. It is called both the “first scooter with the plot” and “the first shooter with directing”, although all these titles rightly belong to Goldeneye 007, just in James Bond on Nintendo 64, no one played with us. For some reason, they still love to say that this is a “smart shooter with puzzles”, although this is far from the truth.

The merits of Half-Life itself go far beyond the borders of the whipping formulations and labels, and for the appropriate study, more than one doctoral dissertation will be needed. This is a shooter who proposed a completely different pace, a completely different level of interaction of the player with the environment, a completely different narrative, completely different shootings. In Half-Life, they scared them in a new way, killed in a new way and challenged you in a new way. Throughout the history of the industry, only six shooters came out, at the expense of the boost of which the genre lived and still continues to live, and Half-Life is one of them.

[[Bullet]] We all remember what will happen in a second. But to stop the experiment, alas, you cannot.

Good Morning and Welcome

And Half-Life is the third, after Halo and Goldeneye, the great shooter, who received such a meticulous and large -scale remake, and the first, made absolutely on a voluntary basis and rang out to everyone completely free. In 2005, the idea itself Black Mesa (then with the Source subtitle) seemed quite strange: the original game seems to be not so old, and herself Valve transferred the original to a new engine, even if I got off with minimal cosmetic changes. But today, in the era of endless HD-transformations, Black Mesa looks quite appropriate, especially since it is a HD-transformation and is. Not “creative rethinking”, not “new experience on old ideas”, almost no amateur performances. Exactly the same game as in 1998. You have known this story a nazubok already so long ago. Researcher Gordon Freeman participates in an experiment, calls a cascading resonance, fights with headcases, meets with government troops, launches a rocket, travels to a parallel world of Zen, kills a nihilant monster, enters stasis and falls asleep for many years. End.

[[Bullet]] “Dogs” have become much more aggressive, the mount against them is now hard to work.

Zen in a remake, however, no. He flashes one and a half seconds during the experiment at the very beginning of the game, when Gordon is shortly in the company of dumbfounded vortigins, but when it comes to a full spatio-temporal trip, the game suddenly ends, immediately after the famous complex shootout near the teleport. So neither nihilant nor ending with a tricky winking man G-man is here. The reason is quite funny: forty enthusiasts gathered a remake for eight years, still did not make it and decided that it was better to release at least something than to escape until the end of time.

You yourself are Lambda

Assessing a remake by the standards of garage innocations is pointless, this is a completely professional job. All the graphics are completely redrawn (incredibly diligently), some of the levels are slightly corrected, some episodes have become simpler and shorter, the characters are re -sounded, signal missiles appeared that you can set on fire to enemies, a new model of a pistol and everything else according to trifles. When you first see which work of art with a thousand levers and bulbs even turned such a trifle as the dash panels of the scientific installations, once represented by a single blurry texture, you will immediately want to give the authors of money. Although they, in fact, do not ask.

[[Bullet]] The famous sound of rumbling helicopters in Black Mesa left, thank God untouched.

At the same time, of course, devoted fans will find a thousand and one detail that you can complain about and complain reasonably. For some reason, a gun and a machine gun shoot much faster than before, the vortigins have become some kind of clumsy, the special forces behave much more boring (artificial intelligence migrated here, it seems, from Half-Life 2 ). Freeman now hits a crowbar very slowly and for some reason only vertically, because of which the battle with the headcrabs and the scientists infected with them lost their former dynamics. And also, for example, in the original there was a chiter moment where it was possible, without waiting for the launch of the platform, to jump into the water, thereby avoiding an exhausting battle. Here you will immediately count death during the jump. Rough atrocities!

[Bullet]] In 1998, four special forces in one room were a real disaster, but now they are killed in seconds.

Laughter laughter, but in the context of such small mistakes it is not very clear who exactly the remake is designed for. As a tool for nostalgia, it works, but does not work long, and certainly no better than the original; most will be enough legendary entry into the trolley, only highly polygonal. New players who wanted to go through Half-Life for self-education, but were afraid of the old graphics, will clearly scare away the fact that Black Mesa ends before the climax itself. It looks pretty stupid in the light of the fact that everyone knows how this story ended. But the main thing: the remake is not able to explain to the new generation than Half-Life is so great and noble. If you have passed the original game in the last millennium, then you probably spent almost a few months of life, although it, in essence, is not so long. It was not very clear in 1998 that it was not very clear how in Half-Life you generally need to play: we poked at all the boxes, ran back and forth along the corridors, naively hounded at every door, even if it was a texture painted on the wall, every centimeter studied for a long time Dark rooms under the light of a flashlight could be spent all day on a single shootout, because they did not understand how to fight real ai-chefs. Today, Black Mesa is running a modern player who saw BIOSHOCK And Call of Duty , in an hour and a half in the evening, under sparks, explosions and flashes. It's sad, but nothing can be done about it.

You probably saw the famous technodemo Square Enix , When they presented a starting scene Final Fantasy VII In the HD schedule, although a full remake has not been released until now, and it seems that they are not going. Or fan sketch from Monkey Island , made on Cryengine 3. Black Mesa also probably should remain a sweet video on YouTube, where everyone will look at the research complex familiar from childhood, recreated on modern technology, shake away tears, put “likes” and return to their affairs.

And a full -fledged remake that can really be played in – as a gun of the era of the Napoleonic Wars, which hangs in the museum. It’s nice to stroke him, it’s interesting to read about him, it’s funny to turn him in his hands. But no one will take it off the wall today and will seriously go to war with him.


Cool plot:


Easy to master:





Sound and music:


Interface and management:



Pleasant, diligent, but not too necessary remake of one of the most important games in history.

Mania rating: 7.0


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